Here is my situation. I have a very specific requirement for a particular style of PPS dashboard that I can handle it by making changes to the CSS files. It is this particular dashboard that I need to modify and all others should use the default style sheets. I have created a custom Master Page and within the Master Page linked to my new style sheets (i.e., "pps_Dashboard.css" has become "special_pps_Dashboard.css"). When I create a dashboard (either by publishing a dashboard via Dashboard Designer or creating a standard web page (based on my new master page) and pull on the PerformancePoint web parts) any changes I make to my custom CSS pages do not get applied. I used the IE Developer Tools to look at what style sheets were being applied and in the tool I can see that my custom sheets are being applied but the default PPS style sheets are also being applied and they are being referenced last and therfore their style is being applied.
So how can I get my sheets to be applied and not the default ones? My requirement is that for all the other dashboards that the default sheets be used but for this style I need my custom ones. I realize that I can use a content editor web part and reference it that way but my requirement really is that a user can publish from Dashboard Designer and not have to touch anything else.
- Go to SiteSettings for the site containing the Dashboard
- Click "Master page" under the Look and Feel section
- Under the Alternate CSS URL section select the Specify a CSS file to be used by this publishing site ...
- Enter the relative URL to the file containing your custom CSS. - NOTE you should create a document library called say Style Library in the dashboard site and add the css file to it
- Click OK and you should be all set.