Friday, November 16, 2012

SharePoint 2010 CSS Reference Chart

SharePoint 2010 CSS Reference Chart by Heather

Thanks to Heather for her excellent post on SharePoint 2010 Branding


SharePoint 2010 global navigation with 3 Levels of Dynamic Menu

SharePoint 2010 global navigation with 3 Levels of Dynamic Menu Style


Adding 3 Levels of Dynamic Menu Style to SharePoint 2010 global navigation

To make the changes, follow these simple steps:

1. Open the site in SharePoint Designer

2. From the left hand navigation, choose Master pages and in then click the appropriate Master Page. In this example I selected the v4.master. When promted to checkout, choose yes.

3. Once the Master Page has loaded, select to view it in Code mode.

4. At this point you will need to search the code for the keyword "Orientation". This will bring you to the section of code where we need to make our changes.

5. At this point you can enter your values for StaticDisplayLevels and MaximumDynamicDisplay Levels.

  • StaticDisplayLevels is the number of levels of sub navigation to show by default
  •  MaximumDynamicDisplayLevels is the number of levels of sub navigation to show as flyouts when hovered over.

Happy SharePointing !!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Supress empty subreports in SSRS 2008

Creating a report in SSRS 2008 that collaborates other sub reports. These Sub Reports will show up with some conditions. If Sub Reports are not satisfying condition its showing empty. I'd like to be able to exclude this from the master report so it does not leave a blank page. 

Struggled 1 day and got the solution.

Place the sub report into a rectangle. Then set the visibility of the rectangle expression as

=iif(First(Fields![Field1].Value, "[SubReportDataSet]") IS NOTHING, TRUE, FALSE)

Add New Dataset to Main Report as [SubReportDataSet] is a Dataset of Sub Report used to populating the subreport. If the subreport is empty, then [SubReportDataSet] will also be empty, and the field [Field1] will be equal to NOTHING.

Note: The SQL server will be sending the same information twice, once to check is subreport dataset has any Data from the Main Report, and again to populate the date in subreport.