Thursday, October 20, 2011

Send e-mail in a SharePoint Designer Workflow with dynamic string and images.

Send e-mail in a workflow with dynamic string and images.

We can create Email body with HTML tags to build a dynamic string

MOSS 2007
 Eg: Please find the Item URL: <a href="http://<sharepoint site>/Lists/Anouncements/dispform.aspx?ID=[%Current Item:ID%]">Announcement Item</a>

To have images in e-mail body we can use IMG HTML tag. Store image in your site sitecollection images library and copy the exact URL of image.

<img src="http://<Sharepoint site>/SiteCollectionImages/test.jpeg"/>

SharePoint 2010:

Open the add a Hyper link Icon and Enter Text to Display and Address of the URL as

http://<sharepoint site>/Lists/Anouncements/dispform.aspx?ID=[%Current Item:ID%]. This will create a Dynamic URL in the Email Body.

Happy SharePointing !!!

1 comment:

  1. Can you post the details of using images in the SharePoint 2010 workflow
